Sunday, March 30, 2025

COVID-19 Archived Data

Visit the Health Department's Connect With Us page for a list of COVID-19 resources in Hamilton County.


To view the Hamilton County Vaccination Dashboard, please click here.


As of May 21st, 2021, the Health Department will post the number of new COVID-19 cases, total number of COVID-19 cases, and total number of deaths from COVID-19 for Hamilton County Monday through Friday only, between 2-4pm EST. Data from the weekends and holidays will be updated the next business day.

At home test kits are available for FREE at all Hamilton County Health Department locations. Test Kits are available for pick up Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (All Health Department locations off both PCR Test Kits and Rapid Test Kits.)

The Health Department would like to alert residents of an expiration date extension for some of the test kits given out at our locations. If you have received a QuickVue COVID-10 at-home test kit from the Health Department and it has lot numbers 3671533, 3671514, or 3671855 then the expiration date has been extended to April 19th, 2023. These test kits were originally set to expire in January of 2023. For a full list of all the test kits with expiration date extensions,  please click the link:

The Tennessee Department of Health reports the number of test results for the entire state on their website at 2PM Central (3PM Eastern). In the case of a discrepancy between the two websites, our local data should be considered the more up-to-date for Hamilton County.  

* Case Count includes confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases.

The table, graphs, and maps below will be updated Monday through Friday only (excluding holidays).


Death reporting is often delayed.  Hamilton County reports the additional number of deaths on the day that notification occurs. Deaths are recorded on the above graph by date of death, appearing in the MMWR week they occurred.

(Third-party cookies must be enabled to view the interactive maps.)