Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Parents as Teachers (PAT) Hamilton County


Parents as Teachers (PAT) Hamilton County

Parents as Teachers (PAT) in Hamilton County is a home-based program which focuses on parenting skills, early childhood development and school readiness, as well as the health and wellness of family members. Services can begin prenatally or postpartum and continue for a child through age 5 years. Participating families can expect to receive:

  • Personal teaching visits
  • Health and development monitoring and education
  • Monthly opportunity to meet with other parents for fun and educational activities
  • Connections and referrals to other needed services

PAT Parent Educators recognize that parents are truly a child’s ‘first teacher.’ PAT uses a strength-based approach that empowers parents to be informed, caring, confident and proactive as they support their children in the critical early years of life. There is no cost to participate and participation in PAT is voluntary.

Who is eligible for PAT?*

  • Pregnant and postpartum teens and women
  • Families whose children are birth through age 5

How to make a referral:

Referrals can be made by schools, clinics, hospitals, social service agencies, physicians and individuals. An individual can refer themselves. Eligibility requirements are listed on the referral form. Referrals can be made by calling (423) 209-8298 or 209-8080, or faxing a referral to (423) 209-8178, or emailing the completed referral form to 

Click Here for the Referral Form 

Parents as Teachers is an affiliate program of Parents as Teachers, an international, evidenced-based, early childhood home visiting program. For more information:



For more information regarding resources in Tennessee related to health, education, development and community support for children birth-18 years of age, please visit