Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Contact Us

The TB Clinic is located on the 1st Floor of the West Wing of the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Health Department's 3rd Street Campus.  If you use the parking garage behind the building for an appointment, bring your ticket in to the clinic for validation.  To learn more about tuberculosis control or to make an appointment, call the clinic at:

Telephone:  (423) 209-8030

Fax:  (423) 209-8031

Address:  921 E. 3rd Street, Chattanooga, TN 37403

Clinic Hours:

  • Monday - 8:00AM-4:00PM
  • Tuesday - 8:00AM-4:00PM (Physician hours 8am-12pm)
  • Wednesday - 8:00AM-4:00PM
  • Thursday - 8AM-4:00PM (TB skin tests not performed on Thursdays)
  • Friday - 8:00AM-4:00PM
  • Tuberculosis Control Clinic

    The Health Department offers the TB skin test (PPD test) for $30. 

    Below is a list of service providers in the Hamilton County area who also offer TB Skin Tests.  This list does not imply any endorsement nor guarantees the quality of any service performed, it is only provided as a reference for those seeking TB Skin Test providers (alphabetic order).  Clicking these links will open a new web browser:


    ARCpoint Labs

    CVS Pharmacy

    Ask your Primary Healthcare Provider

    Services the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Health Department offers to prevent and control Tuberculosis.

    • Education
    • Screening
    • Treatment
    • Prevention

    Are you at risk for TB?

    Find out if you should be screened.

    The Hamilton County TB Clinic is open to Hamilton County Residents.
    TB testing is highly recommended for those who are at risk of being exposed to TB, or at risk for progressing to active disease should they be exposed:

    • People in close contact with someone who has active TB
    • Immigrants from countries with a high rate of TB
    • Residents/ employees working or living in group settings
    • People with HIV infections or other medical conditions that cause a weakened immune system
    • Illicit drug users

    TB Screenings-TB Clinic

    • The TB clinic performs TB screenings for clients at risk for TB by performing a symptom review and TB skin tests.
    • A TB screening tells if someone has been exposed to active TB disease. If the screening test is positive, a nurse checks for risk factors and gives the client a chest x-ray to determine if the person has active TB disease or latent TB infection.
    • If you are sent here for a chest x-ray by your job or doctor, you are assessed for risk factors before receiving the chest x-ray. Please bring the millimeter measurement of your skin test and referral from your doctor. If necessary, you will be given a voucher to take to TC Thompson Children’s Hospital. Remember to take your insurance information with you.

    Medication Appointments - TB Clinic

    If a person does have latent TB infection , they may be given medication to treat their condition. Medications to treat latent TB infection are given out during regular hours or operation. A nurse also monitors how you are doing.

    Directly Observed Therapy (DOT)

    • The Directly Observed Therapy (DOT)/Outreach Program provides medications and other direct care services to treat active TB disease in a place convenient for them. This is done to make sure that they complete their treatment.
    • DOT staff also provide TB outreach to people at risk for TB and work with family members and close contacts of active TB disease patients, checking them for disease/exposure and providing them with medication if necessary.


    • Education provided about latent TB infection and active TB disease for patients, agencies, health care providers, and to the general community.
    • Staff serve as a primary TB resource for Hamilton County for guidance about TB surveillance, reporting requirements, infection control practices, and treatment guidelines.


    Some clinic services have a fee associated with them. The following are the most common services provided, if medically indicated.

    • Nurse visit for medication refill NO CHARGE
    • Nurse visit for medical records of previous test/treatment NO CHARGE
    • Chest X-Ray $52.00
    • Skin Test $25

    We accept cash, check, money order, and TennCare. Please bring your insurance information with you to each visit. You are responsible for any co-pays and deductibles that are required by your insurance company. No one is denied services if they cannot pay.

    Click on the Graphic Below to Learn About TB