Medical Reserve Corps Volunteer Program

The Hamilton County Health Department has a plan in place for a public health emergency, which includes trained volunteers. The Volunteer Program at the Hamilton County Health Department coordinates the skills of practicing and retired physicians, nurses, other health professionals, and non-medical volunteers who are ready to respond during an emergency or disaster. The Volunteer Program is affiliated with the National Medical Reserve Corps and is a registered Medical Reserve Corps Unit of which there are 982 nation-wide and 13 within the State of Tennessee. The mission of the Volunteer Program is to make Hamilton County safer by training volunteers to assist in public health emergencies.

Is there a need for a Public Health Volunteer Program?
The first response to a disaster is the local response. With the help of community volunteers, the Hamilton County Health Department and other local emergency response agencies will be better prepared to respond to emergencies.

Who is eligible to become a Public Health Volunteer?
Any person with an interest in helping our community can volunteer. Volunteers can be active or inactive/retired health care professionals or can be persons in a non-medical field. Even students can volunteer, but must be 18 years of age or older. Your skills, expertise, and desire to serve will determine what role you may play in keeping our community safe and healthy.

Interested in Becoming a Public Health Volunteer? 

Call the Health Department's Emergency Preparedness & Planning Dept at  (423) 209-8068
Log onto and sign up online through Tennessee Volunteer Mobilizer.

What is Tennessee Volunteer Mobilizer?
Tennessee Volunteer Mobilizer is a database used by Tennessee Department of Health to organize all Tennessee Public Health Volunteers into one central system.  When you fill out the online registration form, there will be a "Home County" field.  Please enter the county you want to volunteer your services, for us, it would be Hamilton. 

If you live in North Georgia, please enter Tennessee into the state field when it asks for your address and then you will be able to choose Hamilton County as your "Home County"!

If you have problems or any questions as you are signing up through Volunteer Mobilizer (click image below), please call us at the above phone number and we will assist you.