Saturday, March 29, 2025
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

The Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program is designed to prevent and eliminate childhood lead poisoning by:

  • Educating the public and health-care providers about childhood lead poisoning.
  • Assisting and supporting private providers who screen children for elevated blood lead levels (EBLL) by providing lead-related education materials and assistance with environmental assessment resources, helping to ensure that lead-poisoned infants and children receive medical and environmental follow-up.
  • Providing lead screening services to children seeking health services through the Hamilton County Health Department Clinics according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines.
  • Providing lead related education and assistance to families affected by lead poisoning.
  • Conducting required reporting of confirmed EBLL to the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH)
  • Assisting the TDH in the analysis and dissemination of lead surveillance data.
  • Working with the TDH Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program to support programs and policies to prevent childhood lead poisoning in the Chattanooga-Hamilton County area.
  • Program objectives include screening children ages 6 months through 6 years to identify lead toxicity and to provide case management for children identified with EBLL, including educational and nutritional counseling.

For more information call (423) 209-8080, or visit:

Tennessee Department of Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention

CDC Lead Poisoning Prevention Information

Listen to this short video as Public Health Specialist Haleigh Dunning explains how to prevent lead poisoning at home. For any questions about childhood lead poisoning, call our program at (423) 209-8080.