Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Healthcare Coalition News

The Southeast/Hamilton Regional Healthcare Coalition recently sponsored an eight hour course on Personal Protective Measures for Biological Events. The purpose of the course, taught by instructors from Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service, was to provide healthcare workers and emergency response agencies the opportunity to identify biological threats, protect themselves from those threats, and operate and perform essential protective measures in a biological environment.

The course, held at the Hamilton County Health Department was attended by representatives from emergency response agencies, public health, and other healthcare facilities. The day concluded with each attendee demonstrating the ability to properly don and doff Level C personal protective equipment.

Level C Personal Protective Equipment (example)

Media Coverage

Marisa Moyers, RN, current SERHC Chair (2018), talks to James Howard on WTVC TV9 (ABC) about the coalition, September 18, 2018.