Saturday, March 29, 2025
Public Facilities Inspection

The Hamilton County Department of Environmental Health is responsible for permitting and conducting inspections on the following public facilities:

  • Food Service Establishments 
  • Tattoo and Body Piercing Facilities 
  • Bed and Breakfast Establishments 
  • Public Swimming pools 
  • Hotels and Motels 
  • Camps

Environmentalists conduct health and safety inspections on these facilities. Survey inspections are performed on day cares, camps, school and correctional facilities. The following link is to the permit fees, set by the State of Tennessee, for facilities located in Hamilton County. Fees must be paid before and establishment can open for operation.

Planning on opening a facility?

Any person planning to operate a food establishment, tattoo or body piercing establishment, bed and breakfast establishment, public swimming pool, or hotel/motel must:

  • Contact the Hamilton County Health Department for notification 
  • Provide detailed facility plans (EXAMPLE: Restaurants must show full equipment schedule, layout of entire facility, including the kitchen, eating area, and bathroom) 
  • Plans for extensive remodeling of an existing establishment must be approved by the Health Department. If you are not sure if the remodeling is considered “extensive”, call the Health Department. 
  • Hamilton County Health Department environmentalists should be consulted when planning to open a new restaurant. In addition to our consultation services, the following links provide guidance:

Tenn. Code Ann. § 68-14-701 (2014) 68-14-707.  Application for permit. [Effective on July 1, 2015.]

     (a)  (1) Any person planning to operate a food service establishment shall first submit an application for a permit on forms provided by the commissioner. The application shall be completed and submitted to the commissioner with the proper permit fee.

         (2) Prior to the approval of the application for a permit, the commissioner shall inspect the proposed facility to determine if the person applying for the permit is in compliance with the requirements of this part and with applicable rules and regulations. The commissioner shall issue a permit to the applicant if the inspection reveals that the facility is in compliance with such requirements.

Having a location or ownership change for your facility?

Whenever an establishment wants to change location or ownership (from person to person), a new permit must be obtained through the Health Department.

Tenn. Code Ann. § 68-14-701 (2014) 68-14-706 (d) No permit shall be transferred from one location or person to another.

Have a complaint?

The Department of Environmental Health also responds to complaints on the health and safety of these facilities. In order to make a complaint, call (423) 209-8110.