Monday, February 10, 2025
Homeless Health Care Center

Downtown Chattanooga at 730 E. 11th Street, Chattanooga, TN 37403, across from the Chatt Foundation.

Hours of Operation 

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:30am - 4:30pm                     
Wednesday: 7:30am - 2:00pm; 3:30pm - 4:30pm 

After-hours Contact Information

If you need to speak with someone after hours, call (423) 209 -5800. An operator will answer the phone and assist you in reaching the provider on-call. 

Si necesita habalar con alguien fuera de horario, llame al (423) 209-5800. Un operador contestara el telefono y le ayudara a comunicarse con el proveedor de llamada.            


Fax (Front Office):423-498-4587
Fax (Medical/Lab):423-498-4588

The Homeless Health Care Center is located across the street from the Chatt Foundation at 730 E. 11th St., in downtown Chattanooga. The clinic provides Hamilton County’s homeless population with diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses, routine physical exams, issuance of medications, mental health referrals and substance abuse evaluation and treatment, assistance with entitlement programs and housing placement, and transportation to and from the clinic. Patient services are not denied based on inability to pay. Each year approximately 20,000 visits are made to the Center.

  • Our Vision is: Healthy, Self-sufficient, Housed People
  • Our Mission is: To promote the well-being of the homeless population in our community by providing comprehensive health care, social, and behavioral health services, while addressing the broader determinants of health through assessment, education, advocacy, and referral.

The Center is a federally funded health care for the homeless program. The Center opened in 1988 and in 2013 moved to its present location. Formal arrangements are in place to secure services for our patients through Johnson Mental Health Center, Erlanger Medical Center, Erlanger Health Centers, and CHI Memorial Hospital. The Center is accredited by the Joint Commission for Ambulatory Care and Behavioral Health Care. To access our Joint Commission 2022 Quality Report, please click here. 

General Services:

  • Primary Medical Care for homeless people of all ages, including preventive and acute care and chronic disease management.
  • Dental Services
  • Medical Outreach and Social Service Outreach
  • Outpatient Substance Abuse treatment
  • General Case Management
  • Behavioral Health Referrals

Public Notice

If any individual has concerns about patient care or safety at the Homeless Health Care Center, that the Health Center has not addressed, he or she may contact the Homeless Health Care Center’s management at 423-209-5800. If the concern can not be resolved, the individual may contact the Joint Commission at 1-800-994-6610.